Wednesday, September 15, 2010


At 3 Zoe is still a very determined girl who always knows what she wants. For about 2 months she insisted on wearing purple dresses every single day. Now she has her own style which includes a lot of skirts and leggings. She loves to sing. She loves Tinkerbell and has decided that she will be Tinkerbell for Halloween. Her favorite show is Max and Ruby. Her favorite foods are tortelini with pesto, salmon sushi and bagels with lox (not to mention cupcakes, ice cream, fries and milk). Her favorite books are Pinkalicious and Madeleine and the Bad Hat. She is obsessed with ballet and loves to watch a video of scenes from ballets. She's quite a flirt and likes to show off her knowledge of letters and likes to sing and dance for anyone who will listen and watch. She is still obsessed with dressing up. She loves to help in the kitchen and make cupcakes or bread or anything else. Now that she has settled in to her new routine she loves school and is making a lot of new friends (though she still talks about her NY friends a lot and clearly misses them).

the grand tour

Zoe loves to give tours of our apartment. Here she is giving her friend Jack a tour.

Attention fans! I am learning to walk!


Zoe and Lilia love sliding together.

playdate with Alana


When Lilia starts to climb up the stairs Zoe runs after her and screams "you little rascal!"

bouncy place

Ever since we moved into our house and out of the hotel Zoe has been asking me to bring her to the bouncy place that was near the hotel. Recently I had to make a trip to Target (uggg!) and decided this was a good opportunity to visit the bouncy place (which is in a mall next to a Target). Zoe (and Lilia) loved it as much as ever.

Monday, September 6, 2010

turning Japanese

Since Zoe's favorite food (other than cupcakes and fries and milk) is sushi we thought Benihana would be a fun place for her birthday celebration. Many of us wore purple because it is Zoe's color obsession.

water table

Thanks Grammy and Grandpa!

sand monkies

We love this giant playground in Golden Gate Park. It's big and busy and it reminds us of a BPC playground!


happy birthday Lilia!

We had a small celebration for Lilia's birthday. We were lucky enough to have both sets of grandparents in town for it and had a great labor day weekend filled with birthday celebrations for both girls and lots of other fun.


Ready for school!

This was the first day in nearly 2 months that Zoe wanted to wear something other than a pink or purple dress. I had to get a picture.