Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Fairies Zoe and Lilia had a fun and busy Halloween with 2 parties and trick or treating at a wild and crazy block party.

Friday, October 28, 2011

blue ribbon fish

Zoe loves her swim class and was very proud to earn her blue ribbon today which means she can do 5 strokes in a row on her own, climb out of the pool on her own and do a "sit jump" into the pool and swim either around the teacher in a big circle or back to the wall.

beach fun before heading home

Santa Cruz boardwalk

We had fun on the boardwalk and Zoe even went on a real roller coaster with a HUGE drop and wasn't even scared!

fisherman's warf in Monterey

We had a fun night out during our stay in Monterey.

evening at the beach

Monterey Bay Aquarium

going to see the fish!


Lilia has become quite particular about her clothing. She particularly loves to pair dresses with skirts and loves to wear boots. Much like Zoe she wants nothing to do with pants.

Lilia starts ballet

Lilia has been asking and asking when she can take ballet and swimming like her big sister. I just discovered that there is a class for 2 year olds that fits our schedule. She loved her first class! For swimming she'll have to wait until she turns 3.

Monday, October 17, 2011

plant car

looking cute

Saturday, October 1, 2011

pumpkin decorating

When we got home the girls were excited to decorate their pumpkins.

pumpkin patch

We had a lot of fun at the pumpkin patch this year. The girls loved the rocking horses and Zoe also loved the moon bounce. We chose some pumpkins and had a nice lunch in the town of Half Moon Bay.

strawberries at the playground

ice cream!

Zoe tried purple yam ice cream at Mitchell's.

at our favorite restaurant

Every time we walk by our neighborhood sushi restaurant the girls say "look there's our favorite restaurant!"