Saturday, April 28, 2012

Monday, April 23, 2012

Bay Area Discovery Museum

We love this children's museum!  There's a whole outdoor area that as Zoe said is "like a whole other world."  Very creative and really uniquely San Francisco.

Picnic dinner at the playground

Afternoon in Golden Gate Park

We had some amazing weather and spent the day in the part with some friends.

Sweet Lev

Holding hands while walking to the train

The girls had a day off from school so we took the opportunity to ride the train to the Dolores Park playground to spend the morning with friends.  They looked very cute in their hats holding hands.

Pencil jumps

Zoe has been terrified of doing pencil jumps in swim class ever since they introduced her to the skill.  Well fans, this past week she conquered her fear and earned a button for doing the skill correctly.  Now she's well on her way to her next level ribbon.  As always we celebrated with ice cream next door.

Who is that handsome boy?

Saturday, April 14, 2012

tummy time!

Lev can role from tummy to back.


Spring break fun

We had a great time over spring break. We spent time with Granny, Nanky and Papa. We had fun with friends. We went to a couple of playgrounds, had a picnic, went to the Academy of Sciences, the Randall Museum and Lilia's first movie. Thankfully the girls go back to school on Monday because now Mama needs a Spring break.

Monday, April 9, 2012


We had fun in Chinatown with Papa.

Happy Passover

We had a great seder with friends and family.

cute head

Sometimes Zoe refers to Lev as "cute head." Very appropriate.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

A Very Special Visitor

We were so happy that Granny Isabel came out to see us. We all had a wonderful weekend with her. Truly wonderful!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Lilia and Lev

3 months old

At 3 months old Lev is smiling and laughing a lot. He also makes a bunch of cute baby cooing sounds as if he's having a conversation. He likes his activity mat a lot. He also loves baths. He has gotten a bit better about being in the car and is sleeping a little better. He loves his Granny Isabel who was here visiting.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

no school days

When there's no school we usually try to meet up with friends at a fun place. This particular "staff development day" we went to a bouncy place and then to lunch and ice cream.

DeYoung afternoon

Now that we're getting used to life as 5 we are making it out of the house more often and enjoying the city. Recently we had a nice afternoon at the DeYoung Museum. Here's to finding our sea legs and many more great family outings!

1st trip to the new Dolores park playground

The three amigos!