Monday, June 25, 2012

Playdate fun

Zoe loves having playdates with her friends.  Lilia usually joins in the fun of playdates too and is starting to have a few of her own playdates.  Here the girls and Zoe's friend (also named Zoe) are waiting to get in the car to go home from school for a playdate.

Contemporary Jewish Museum

Ready for solids!

Zoe was very excited for Lev to try out his new high chair so he can start eating solids very soon!

Tummy time

Happy fathers day!

We had a nice Father's Day in Dolores Park.

Beach baby

Lev loved the bath!

The triple threat

Looking cool on MUNI

Monday, June 11, 2012

First music class

Lev is holding his pal Mason's hand during their first music class.  Lev loved the class though he was a bit scared when a bunch of noisy instruments came out.

First day of camp

Today was the girls' first day of camp at their preschool.  Zoe was very excited about camp today but Lilia was a bit apprehensive and told me that she doesn't like camp (of course she had never been to camp until today).  But as soon as we got there both girls were excited to see their friends and teachers and Zoe was THRILLED to discover that she is in the really big kid classroom that is used during the year for the Transitional Kindergarten program at the preschool.  They both had a great day and Zoe doesn't stop talking about how great it was to be in the TK classroom!

Home sweet home

It was a great trip but we were all happy to get home.  Zoe kept saying that she loves our house.  We couldn't agree more!

On our way home

Fun in the bath

Fun in NYC playgrounds

Between seeing lots of family and friends we managed a few trips to the playgrounds while in NYC.  Here are some shots from a couple of our favorite playgrounds -Washington Square Park and Vesuvio Playground.

Eloise's house at the Plaza

Zoe loves the book Eloise at the Plaza (which was also a favorite of mine as a kid) and so we couldn't miss a trip to Eloise's house while in NYC.  The girls loved it!

Low rider

Grammy and Grandpa

The girls loved spending time with Grammy and Grandpa -especially playing games that Grammy brought.

Street shot

When we travel to NYC the kids stay (mostly) on West Coast time and go to bed late and sleep late (the sleeping late part is great!).  We used to do the same when we lived in NY and traveled to England.  This is fun because the kids get to be out late and night a bit which we don't often do at home.  Here we are coming home from dinner one night.

Dinner out

NYC shots

Subway to Granny's

Five months old!

Lev turned 5 months old when we were in NY.  This picture was taken on his "birthday."  At 5 months he can roll over both ways, and can rotate and even slide around backwards when on his belly.  He makes a lot of cooing sounds.  He loves playing in his bouncy seat and on his activity mat.  He sleeps about 12 hours straight at night and loves his morning nap but hates taking an afternoon nap.

Lilia's night out

While we were in NY our old babysitter Tsering came on a couple of nights to watch Lev so we could go out with the girls (Lev isn't usually very happy to be in a restaurant, especially at night).  On one of the nights Zoe insisted that she too wanted to stay with Tsering so we had a great night out with Lilia -Tapas followed by a long walk in the East Village.


We love our friends' view at sunset!

Molly and Kai

We saw our friends Molly and Kai and had a great time!  The kids made a big fort in Molly and Kai's bedroom and grown-ups were not allowed in!

out of commission

Exhausted kiddos on our first day in NYC.

We saw granny!

Outside of Mary-Arnold Toys with new gifts from Granny

We loved seeing Granny on our trip and got lots of pictures.


playing peek-a-boo

Stella giving Lev a kiss

all 5 cousins in one shot (not easy to do!)

The girls were very excited to see their adorable cousins Angus and Stella!

On our way to NYC!

Lev on his first flight
the girls sat in their own row behind Mom, Dad and Lev
getting some wiggles out in the play area at SFO