Saturday, June 26, 2010


At 10 months Lilia is saying about 10 words including "nana," "dada," "tickle," "kitty," "dog," "bird," "this," and "that." She is pointing a lot, waving and clapping whenever she hears music. She loves to practice walking (holding on to someone's fingers).

underground again

date night

It was a pretty exhausting trip given the timing with our move and the fact that we were only there for a few days and had so many people to see (who live all over the city). One of the hardest parts was that the girls had little opportunity to nap during the day because we were running around so much and they were short on sleep because we were all in one hotel room. On our very last night there just when we thought we could take no more we had the great fortune of both girls falling asleep in the stroller and staying asleep for the entire duration of a great Indian dinner in Soho. When we walked into the restaurant it was like the staff read our minds because about five people appeared out of nowhere to open the door for us and to remove the chairs from one side of the table so we had a place to park the sleeping girls. Here they are looking cute while sleeping in the stroller.

Hamley's with Sophia

We got to see our friends Michelle and Sophia who moved to London recently. We met them at Hamley's and the girls were so happy to see each other that they immediately held hands and ran into the store. I somehow didn't manage to get a picture of their faces but this shot of them entering the store is really cute! Zoe got some great Peppa Pig toys at Hamley's.

and a new tradition...

London calling

We do this shot every year.

Samuel and Tammy

Zoe said "Samuel is my cousin and Tammy is Lilia's cousin." Here they each are with the cousin.

G.G. Nita

It was great to visit G.G. Nita and introduce her to Lilia. The girls both loved her.

summer solstice

This picture was taken at 9:30pm!


This is where the Queen lives!

Zee and Zed

We visited Zac and his little brother Eli and played in Zac's paddling pool. It was lots of fun other than the fact that all 4 kids were very cranky while we were there so things got a bit chaotic.

Samuel's birthday party

I got to go to Samuel's 4th birthday party. I also happen to have been in town for his 2nd birthday party. It was so much fun to celebrate with him and we had a great time playing together after the party. Lilia had fun too.

Mind the Gap

We spent a lot of time on the Underground during this trip traveling around to see G.G. Nita and various other friends and relatives.

first day, last day

Zoe had a great first year of preschool. She really loved it and is already looking forward to her new camp/school in SF.

bye bye other friends

These pictures are from a little cupcake send-off that we had with some other friends that we've been getting together with since Zoe was just a few months old.

bye bye Barclay Brat Pack

We will really miss spending Wednesday afternoons with our friends from our old building. These are some pictures from our last meeting.

bye bye Tsering!

We will miss our babysitter Tsering. She has been wonderful with Lilia since she was a newborn and has even taught her some Tibetan expressions!

Friday, June 11, 2010

celebrating Dad's last day of work

Cupcakes and drinks!

sista sista

After a real 2-year-old day (meaning many many tantrums) we met some friends at a new local playground which features a lot of water activities. Zoe and Lilia both had fun. Zoe's not looking her best in this picture (puffy eyes from too many tantrums!) but I still thought it was really cute.

picnic dinner with Kate and Isabella

I'm really a cali girl at heart

Sunday, June 6, 2010