Saturday, June 26, 2010

date night

It was a pretty exhausting trip given the timing with our move and the fact that we were only there for a few days and had so many people to see (who live all over the city). One of the hardest parts was that the girls had little opportunity to nap during the day because we were running around so much and they were short on sleep because we were all in one hotel room. On our very last night there just when we thought we could take no more we had the great fortune of both girls falling asleep in the stroller and staying asleep for the entire duration of a great Indian dinner in Soho. When we walked into the restaurant it was like the staff read our minds because about five people appeared out of nowhere to open the door for us and to remove the chairs from one side of the table so we had a place to park the sleeping girls. Here they are looking cute while sleeping in the stroller.